Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Telegram on the Table

Krishna had come in the city from the village. He worked as a guide for tourist. All the day, all the days he was busy explaining the entire history of the country to the tourist and answering their question, He had a dream of going to America following a tourist girl. He always used to come late at night in his room from hotel being tried. A telegram hat been lying on the table for weeks. There was a message that his wife had died previous day. But the message of his wife’s death did not touch him at all. The telegram should have made his weep. He should have felt regret. He should have fasted for some days. But he didn’t do any anything. The telegram should have affected him. But he was not sad and nothing touches him. He was happy dreaming of America.
His living room was bad. He paid high rent but there was a not facility. If he could not get up early in the morning, he would get water. He wanted to move somewhere else. And he could invite Miss pandey from travel service from dinner. His best friend from his village, who was also in the city, knew about the tragic event and gave him sympathy. But the words of sympathy did not touch him at all.
But one night, he could not sleep. He switched the height on and went to the table and read the telegram again. The message touched him. He regretted because he had become heartless like a stone. He got angry with himself, tore the telegram into pieces and cried for a long time.
The story may be trying to say that a person can’t be happy forgetting his village and dearest relatives. He has to regret in the future like Krishna. This story tried to show the picture of the present Nepalese society. How young generation is being attracted by America. They are ready to abandon anything for America. Nepalese people are made senseless and heartless by the so-called modern thinking and way of living.
Critical Thinking:-
The story is such as fit and fine, Beautiful and interesting. When we read it do not notice when it started and how it ended. This all does not mean that it is flawless. There are many things to be understood, realized, analyzed and applied in our every day life. How can husband totally be untouched by his wife’s deaths? The writer had not given any clue that they had a bad conjugal life. So, why Krishna did not think about his wife and family? Its all question are looking for a right answer.
I got cursory reading first and second I gave in depth reading it. I found many things in this story to applied, realized in our every day life. I came to realized how people vanish in the city. They leave there village and family for the better future. But when they reach in to city, they are enchanted by modernity and slowly they start forgetting their family. They don’t come to meet their family in the village for a long time.

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